Over the past three years a quiet revolution of digital technology has been changing the way orthodontists diagnose and treat orthodontic patients.
ICAT flex is an ultra-low dose three dimensional dental scan. I am able to obtain a 3D image of a patient with less radiation than a single digital panorex radiograph. Often, I can get the image I need with the same exposure that comes from bitewing films (the ones you bite on and get every six months at the dentist). This 3D image offers me insights and views that were previously unobtainable.
Suresmile is an amazing technology that combines a low dose 3D dental scan with a 3D intraoral video (in the mouth) of the teeth. I get back a dynamic model of the patient’s jaws, teeth, roots and facial photo. This model allows me to design and simulate the final result including smile design. I can move each individual tooth to its desired final position. When I have the plan finished (all of the teeth positioned where I want them), a computer algorithm calculates the complex bends required to achieve the goal and then soft memory shape wires are bent by a robot to micron precision to achieve these goals. This technology not only speeds up your treatment, but offers more precise results. I am constantly impressed with the additional information I learn about each patient’s case when I am customizing their treatment plan. Suresmile allows me to offer my patients treatment that was not possible before using traditional orthodontics.
Anatamodel is another product that lets me use my 3D scan to model complex problems before I make treatment decisions. It is a fantastic communication tool for patients, parents, and fellow dentists.
3D digital intraoral scanner. Our intraoral scanner takes a 3D video of your teeth (like a digital impression) with superb accuracy. This data is combined with our 3D scan in suresmile to obtain the most accurate results. It can also be used to make orthodontic appliances.